Ben Weese

Damn Bugs, Overlook, Workflowy, and Trello

Damn bugs was founded by Crowd Soured Testing as a online tracker for bugs. You start by creating a Organization and then you have projects. The projects can then have all types of bugs. This is mostly a web based one so there are web browser extensions to put in bugs for websites, which is really useful. This can also be used as a stand alone. There are different statuses for project management, different types to tell you if it is design or dev or any other kind of ticket. You can add other team members with different jobs. They are also really good about listening to feedback and getting back to you. There is sorting, searching, and color coding. Also the bug reporting works well and prompts good reporting to anyone who is not use to bug reporting. All in all, for where it is at, this is a great system, and I can’t wait to see what it has in store for the future. Also one of my suggestions I made were to add test plan integration. The response I got was they had bought Overlook and were working on it… yes many awesome things for this sites future.

Overlook was currently bought by Crowd Sourced Testing and is a test plan website that will be integrated with Damn Bugs. Overlook is about making a simple test plan. The test plans for this were also more designed around testing web based applications but again you can use it for other plans. First you will create a project within your account. You can than manage a team, and invite new testers and create new test plans for the project. From the first page you are also able to edit, see results, and start the test. When you create the test you are able to do it line by line with no formatting. You can pass, fail, and add notes to failures. When tied to a site you can run the test plan at the top while having the webpage below. It is very simple and could use a lot of growth. It has the same mechanism Damn Bugs has for feedback but currently that is not heavily watched. My guess is it will grow as Crowd Soured Testing takes a bigger look at it.

Trello helps managing projects, it is useful for several things that a tester can use. Trello you can make list, add cards to the list, and move them around like your very own work board. This is great for managing a backlog and assigning bugs. This shows a great workflow that works really well for agile teams. Our team uses it for managing projects, and for managing our back log. You can organize, prioritize, add labels, and filter by the labels. You can also build test plans where you can create checklist for each card. This site is very versatile and allows for many different uses. You can also create organizations and add people to them.

Workflowy is a list website that can be used for test plans and organization. In this site you make list and list within those list. Things can be marked as completed. You can hide the completed. You can add notes to each element in order to kept track of things. So a test plan can be created using the list, within the list mark them as completed as you go. Then add notes to the completed test. Again you could use this very simple tool for a lot of different things, just use your imagination.

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