Testing with Postman: Reusable Code
Since I talked about reusable code in your environmental variable last week lets see how that works this week.
Adding Reusable Code to Your Variable
//Here we create a function that is then stored in the environmental variable. This is so we can then call this from any following test. This can be stored in the pre-req. of your first test in your collection.
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("commonTests", () => {
//These are test that are ran on every call no matter if it is a positive or negative test.
pm.test("Response time is below 300ms", function() {
//This is the test we want to run on all positive outcomes.
//Email enrollment does not have a valid json by design
var positive = (validJson = true) => {
pm.test("Status code is 200", function() {
pm.test("Response does not error", function() {
if (validJson) {
pm.test("Response must be valid and have a body", function() {
pm.response.to.be.json // this assertion checks if a body exists
} };
//This is for our negative test that we want to fail. In Javascript we can set a default value for our incoming variable.
var negative = (code = 400) => {
if (code === 400) {
pm.test("Status code is 400", function() {
} else if (code === 403) {
pm.test("Status code is 403", function() {
} else if (code === 404) {
pm.test("Status code is 404", function() {
} else if (code === 500) {
pm.test("Status code is 500", function() {
//This could be simpler code of below.
var negative = (code = 400) => {
pm.test("Status code is correct", function() {
//another test to be added
pm.test("Reports Error", function() {
}) }
//we return the functions so they can be used outside of the environmental variable.
return {
testType: {
Using the Code in Test
//for positive test add this line to the top of your test.
//for negative test add this line to the top of your test.
//Can also use eval(environment.commonTests)().testType.negative(404); for when the code is 404
Postman Quick Reference Guide
Chai Assertion Library
Regex Cheat Sheet
Postman: The Complete Guide on Udemy