Ben Weese

Monthly Archives: September 2022

Testing with Postman: Chai Assertions

Postman uses the Chai Assertion Library so familiarize yourself with it. Using Chai Match Assertion You can define a format for your response using Regex and the match assertion. Below is an example of a data format for a mysql date. Date Format Multiple Assertions When using multiple assertions on a single data point you […]

Testing with Postman: Headers

Sometimes the only thing you need to test is a header. This is when a PDF or something else is returned. Below is how you can test a header. Testing for Correct Headers and PDF Responses Below are test you can run on headers. The great thing about this is it allows us to find […]

Testing with Postman: Variables

Sorry it has been a while but I recently moved job and house, so life has been hectic. Next we will discuss variables. There are a lot of different variables you can use like Collection, Environmental, path, and others. The main 2 I use are Environmental so that we can have different variables for Dev, […]